I'm late to the Excalibur Umbra Hype Train

  Hello, Cyberninjas! If you've read my earlier posts on the blog, you'd notice that I am a player of the game Warframe. earlier this year, the developers of Warframe, Digital Extremes, had their yearly convention called TennoCon. This year, DE unveiled a large open world update titled Plains of Eidolon. (We'll talk about that in a future post) They had a discussion panel and then everyone thought TennoCon was over. Then this happened;

This trailer caught me completely off guard and I'm pretty sure anyone else who saw it either had no clue what they just saw or was awestruck followed by intense excitement. Either way, you look at it, the next cinematic quest in Warframe will be involving this new Warframe. It's name is Excalibur Umbra. I, myself, fell into the group earlier mentioned who was awe-struck followed by intensely excited, or hyped, I guess you could say. Now, you're probably looking at the title of this post like "Dude, you said you were late to the hype train. You just implied you watched the stream and had a chance to make a reaction video cause you saw it live!" See, what had happened was...

What had happened was our main computer had crashed sometime before TennoCon2017. I had planned to have a reactionary blog post right after watching it but with no computer, I couldn't really push out the post I wanted and start up some conversations online about why Excalibur Umbra is so effing awesome. But two whole months later, here I am, proceeding to talk about why Excalibur Umbra is a Warframe to consider doing the cinematic quest involved with to acquire him.

When I had first seen Excalibur Umbra, it was for the Chinese version of Warframe as a founders pack exclusive. Basically a gift to all the people who put a large amount of money into the Chinese build of Warframe when it was introduced to the Chinese market. He was originally called Excalibur Umbra Prime. Kind of like how Excalibur Prime was available to the Founders level of Warframe players when Warframe first started on PC. Personally, I thought that it was awesome but bummed out that it wasn't coming stateside anytime soon or even to the console builds of warframe. That was about 2 years ago, before I really got into playing Warframe.

Fast forward to now and Oh-my-God am I HYPED to do this quest, find out what the Warframes reallly are, and what part my character has to play in all of this - in addition to attaining Excalibur Umbra. What makes Excalibur Umbra so awesome? Why he's apart of the Umbra line of warframes. Think of him as the opposite of Excalibur Prime. Just like Their Prime counterparts, Umbra warframes are rumored to have different stats, abilities, and mod customization options than Prime or normal warframes. We will see how he performs in comparison to his Prime variant once The Sacrifice hits Warframe. Unfortunately, we don't have any information on exactly when The Sacrifice will be coming to warframe, especially the Console build (We play the Xbox One build) but once we are able to play it, you'll be able to see us react to everything The Sacrifice has to offer! Til next time, CyberNinjas.


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