Coming Soon to Warframe: Plains of Eidolon

 Hello, CyberNinjas! In my post about Excalibur Umbra, I had dropped the name of the update that would be coming to Warframe before "The Sacrifice" cinematic quest; "Plains of Eidolon". I probably should have discussed This update earlier, given that Plains of Eidolon comes out first, but what the hay, I was excited. Let's discuss, shall we?

Plains of Eidolon is such a big thing with Warframe because it's the games first open world update. You read that right, first open world update. Before Plains of Eidolon, Warframe had players going into procedually generated spaceship levels or "tilsets" as they're generally called, to complete missions. In this new update, players will be going to Earth to do various missions, quests, crafting, fishing (Yes, fishing) and more all in the Plains of Eidolon, whis is said to be really big. We'll be meeting a new race of people called the Ostrons, who salvage the bio-organic material from the Orokin towers scattered across the plains.

The other big thing about the Plains of Eidolon is that there's a day/night cycle that has different enemies in those respective cycles. At night, gigantic enemies called Eidolons rise from the dead and roam the plains. They're so powerful the enemies you engage in the daytime run for their lives. This would encourage you to team up with your buddies and squad up to take them down. (I'm imagining that the loot you'd get for killing an Eidolon would be awesome) In addition to this huge update, Digital Extremes is also reworking the focus system they had initially introduced in The Second Dream cinematic quest. We don't know what exactly they'll be doing in this focus system rework, but it'll apparently tie-in to how endgame level players can take on the Eidolons.

All in all, Plains of Eidolon looks exciting (Not as exciting as The Sacrifice to me but, exciting nonetheless)and I'm looking forward to playing them both when they release later this year. Til next time, CyberNinjas.


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