My Thoughts on the Destiny 2: The Forsaken Reveal.

Hello Cyberninjas! Today is Tuesday, June 5th, 2018. Bungie has officially revealed year 2 of Destiny 2, titled 'The Forsaken', for the world to see. Of course I've decided to toss in my 2 cents.

I've played Destiny since the open beta had been on consoles. I've played every expansion, done every raid in Destiny at least once, and played a bit of the Crucible. In Destiny 2, that's been a complete opposite. I don't like the raids or their raid lairs, can't stand the team-shooting aspect of the Crucible, and haven't really progressed much outseide of the story missions of each expansion. In short, Destiny 2 has been more of a dissapointment than a enjoyment for me.

You'd think I'd be like the others who just bash the game and say "This game is dead" and move on with my life. That isn't the case, while I do have a soft spot for the game, I'm not going to look past its many faults. For one, Destiny 2 doesn't really respect players time they sink into it. Bungie constantly tries to fix what isn't broken, (Looking at you, Faction Rallies) and is very late with implementing fixes, and often expects players to pay for another expansion that will implement the big fixes. This has always rubbed me the wrong way because the developers of free-to-play games are able to quickly implement their fixes to their games as well as bring in major content updates at no cost to the player.

When I first heard about the expansion reveal, my first thought was "This needs to be free to really get players back and regain trust." The only times there's ever been a free content update to the Destiny franchise was when The Blighted Chalice strike was added with the april update, and the last update to Destiny 1 called the Age of Triumph, which made all raids relevant. Everything after that has been a paid major update. Now, I know that would be a HUGE risk on Bungie and Activision's part, but at this point, they should take this risk. It's not like Bungie or even Activision would really lose much money. There is a cash shop in Destiny 1 and 2 and we know players would gladly spend their money to buy emotes, emblems, ornaments, and other player customizations. The $10 Iron Banner that was recently realeased proves very well that Destiny players don't mind spending the money for things they want.

So while I think that the reveal of 'The Forsaken' looks all nice and shiny, I'm taking a "Wait and see" approach wityh how everything plays out. Bungie is great at overhyping things only to lead players to dissapointment after the fact that they bought the game/expansion, so I think it's wise to take this reveal with a grain of salt. I really do think the expansion should be free, but I'm sure there will be a price tag on it, (UPDATE: It's $40.00 and $30.00 for the Annual Pass...yay...) especially if Activision has any say in it. Is Destiny saved because of this update? I don't think there's enough information to make that judgement, nor do I have any high hopes that the game will improve to what players truly want with this update. I feel that something will be lacking in the expansion. (More than likely the story, givent hat the writing has been almost abysmal for the story missions and dialogue) But that's my thoughts on the matter. I'll be watching everyone play on September 4th just to see if its all that and a bag of chips though ;-)

As always, thank you for reading, til next time, Cyberninjas.


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